Wendy E. Mackay

Wendy E. Mackay is a Research Director, Classe Exceptionnelle, at Inria, the French National Research Center for Computer Science, and is an ACM Fellow, CHI academy member and the 2022 Chair for Computer Science at the Collège de France. Wendy directs the ExSitu (Extreme Situated Interaction) research lab, which focuses on creative professionals and ‘extreme users’ who push the limits of technology, to develop novel human-computer partnerships. Her lab is joint with the Human-Computer Interaction department of LISN at the Université Paris-Saclay, where she teaches interaction design in two HCI masters programs. Her current research interests focus on the intersection between human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence and the creation of human-computer partnerships.

Keynote ETIS (9th Nov. 09:00-10:00) : Towards Intelligent Tangible Interfaces
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence have led to a wide variety of intelligent systems, but too little consideration of their impact on the people who use them. Researchers from HCI and AI are working together on a new research area, « human-centered AI », which challenges tradtional research paradigms and shifts the focus from better AI algorithms to better interaction with users. In this talk, I will discuss how we can design  »human-computer partnerships’’ that take optimal advantage of both human skills and of system capabilities, and how to design and create such systems. I will then discuss how this approach can be applied to the design of intelligent tangible systems.

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